Saturday, February 26, 2011

Atendendo a pedido...

E atendendo a pedido especial de traducao, aih vai a versao do "Technolgy will kill us soon!" em Portugues.

A tecnologia vai nos matar logo logo...

Indo pro trabalho hoje de manha, vi um cara de bicicleta sendo pego por um carro.

Ele ainda estava caido no chao, e em panico, a primeira coisa que ele fez foi pegar o Iphone do bolso.

O cara nem se preocupou em ver se a bike estava quebrada, se as roupas estavam rasgadas, ou mesmo se tinha algum osso quebrado ou se estava sangrando com algum ralado.

Ele enfiou a mao no bolso e eu pude ver o seu alivio quando verificou que o Iphone nao tinha sofrido nada.

Quao doentio eh isso? Quao doesntes estamos ficando?

Perguntei se ele estava OK, e a resposta foi: "Esse Iphone eh novinho cara, imagina se eu tivesse quebrado ele agora?"

Vida louca que a gente estah vivendo...


Friday, February 25, 2011

Ai papi !!

I’m working in a traditional newspaper, a very English environment; and we’ve been having some fun with languages, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, etc… and it’s funny to see the guys learning a foreign language.

Most of them are disgraceful learners and to be honest, they can’t be bothered learning.

The other day I friend of mine, English, was angry because he didn’t get a job that required Spanish and English languages. His complaint was simple: “Why da fuck do I have to learn another language if the whole world speaks English?”

Fair enough, I thought.

Anyway, back to the office environment, I’ve been having some fun teaching, or kind of teaching Spanish to the guys here. And one of them, which I’ll call just “Papi” and “Papito”, as he asked for his identity to be preserved, is actually a good learner.

Very rare to see that, but he has a really good accent for Spanish and get the words very quick.

To be honest I only told him rubbish stuff, things like:
Papi, gilipollas, cabron, maricon, polla, capullo, una mesa para dos por favor, etc… hehe!

Papito is doing well, and he loves to say: “Aiiiii papiii!” in the office the whole freaking day.

I already advised that if he goes to Colombia, Bolivia, Mexico or other countries that speak spanish, and say that bloody “Ai papi!” thing to someone, probably he will be rapped on the spot as it’s a girls saying… but he doesn’t care that much and keeps saying it out and loud!

Keep going Papi, the girls will love you and your Aiii papiii Spanish accent!



Technology will kill us soon!

Coming to the office earlier today, I saw a guy on a bicycle been hit by a car. He was still laying down on the floor and, in panic; the first thing he checked was his IPhone.

He couldn’t be bother looking to the bike, clothes, even if his bones were broken nor if he was bleeding.

He reached his pocket and I could see his relief when he realized that his gadget wasn’t damaged.

How sick is that? How sick are we becoming?

I asked him if he was OK, and his answer was: “This IPhone is bright new mate, can you imagine if it was broken now?”

Crazy life we are living…
