Every time I fly I think the same things... buying the tkts, packing, commuting to the airport, coffee before boarding, etc...
And every time I enter the plane, I remember one thing that I always forget... To find a plane with more space (if such thing exists on “cheap” companies)
Yesterday was no different, the moment I got into the plane, i thought: “FUCK!”
Entered the plane and that orange colour made me sick already, I knew what I was going to find.
Most places, in the front, were taken by those hero fathers with the package “five kids and a wife”, my god!
OK, I think, I'll get a place in the back... walk, walk, walk, and pass by people looking at you as if they were all waiting because of me.
Sorry! It's not my fault! There is a guy driving this thing there in the front area, called cabin, and he decides when we take off.”
Finally I find a seat, last one available, nice old couple smiles to me and say “Hi”.
Wow! There must be something strange, I've found friendly people in a plane.
Cool, put my bag on that huge lockers, he he, and sit down.
Look around and... NO! In front of me a family, two kids, wife, husband and... believe me... a fu6k1n6 crying baby that didn't stop for the whole journey!!
I think to myself: “I deserve it”. I've been a very bad person and this is the way Karma decided that I had to pay. Fair enough!
I prepare to accept my destiny, get my blackberry, start some music on it... close my eyes and try to relax... after all I'm starting my epic journey to Italy, back to my roots.
But... and there is always a “but” one of the kids “pokes” me and say: “Hi, I have a blackberry as well”
Jesus Christ! This is going to be a very looooong flight!
I reply: “That's very cool” (Thinking to myself: OK kid, get lost! Leave me alone!)
He replies: “I don't know how to use it, can you show me?”
OMG! Do you know what happened?
That kid just got me! He was so sincere, so friendly asking me to show him how to use the Blackberry that I just couldn't say no.
And the rest of the trip, 1 hour and 45 minutes, it was me and him talking about the blackberry, how to do this, how to do that, how to play the games, enable and disable everything, etc, etc etc... even his father was talking to me and later on told me he was quite happy that I was talking to the boy as he gets a bit anxious when flying...
Well, in the end Karma was nice to me, after all I think I haven't been a bad person, he he!
Anyway, landed in Italy, met my friend, who introduced me to her friends, who talked to me in Italian, and after a beer or two, my Italian language have improved a lot...
Today I'm planning to drink even more and speak an even more fluent Italian, ha ha!
But that story will come in the next posts...
Grazie mille!
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