Xenophobia – Definition: An irrational, deep-rooted fear of or antipathy towards foreigners.
I really don’t like to touch this subject but sometimes I can’t help myself.
Today I saw an English guy, on his 50’s, shitting on his employee at a coffee shop, a 20 years old girl from East Europe. He was really unpleasant and bossy, stupid and rude; Totally crossed the line.
When the stupid guy realized I was waiting and looking at him, he asked the girl to serve me, and walked away.
The girl was almost in tears, turned to me and said: ‘’How can I help you?’’
And I replied: “How can I help you?”
She smiled, and said: “You know what… I speak Russian, English, Polish and Spanish… and this stupid English idiot is saying that I have to speak properly to the customers. How annoying is that! How many languages can he speak, or even understand?”
I said: “You know what? Maybe he’s afraid of you, maybe he’s afraid of us, maybe all of them are afraid of all of us.”
And she agreed.
As simple as it sounds, there is a basic situation I want to put on the table, and this is for the English people that treat foreigners are crap, and specially for that idiot moron that treated that lovely girl as nobody should be.
Why don’t you go to my country, learn my language, and get a job in the same position as I have here, or even a basic job in a restaurant, washing dishes? Simple, isn’t it?
You don’t go, because you can’t. You are not even able to speak your own language properly, how on earth will you be able to speak a second language??
I have less than a handful of English people that are able to speak another language. And they are very nice people and open minded as well, not afraid of anyone. Thank God there are still nice people around.
So, before you start hassling foreigners, remember that maybe you hold your position, your job, yours status, because of them. Because they are there to work when it’s needed, at any time it’s requested, and many times for a much lower rate than a local person would charge for the same job.
Keep your mouth shut, open your eyes and get away of your miserable xenophobic life.
Cheers !
What a sensitive guy you are!
Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.
- Daniel
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