Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sometimes life comes up with a better idea!

Ontem estava vendo um filme, e num dos dialogos entre dois personagens, um deles fala: ‘’- But I had this plan, and it is a good idea’’

E a resposta do outro cara eh: ‘’- Sometimes life comes up with a better idea!’’

Fiquei pensando, e na verdade, por mais planos que voce faca, por mais que tente projetar algo e seguir o plano, as vezes a vida muda tudo e a sua ideia inicial vai por agua abaixo, ou nem tanto...

Na maioria das vezes nao eh o fim do mundo, eh o fim do que voce acreditava que era o seu mundo. Pode ser um plano de viagem, um casamento, um carro, um curso, qualquer coisa.

O fato eh que, o que voce achou que ia acontecer, nao vai. Pintou uma nova situacao e voce vai ter que se adaptar rapido e continua a viagem porque o bonde nao para.

O melhor plano eh nao ter um plano! Ou quase nao ter um plano, ou ter uma plano beeeem flexivel.

Tipo voce projeta onde quer chegar e ja tem que ter em mente que do ponto A ao ponto B, na maioria das vezes, nao vai ser uma reta que voce vai tracar pra unir os dois pontos, e sim varias curvas, subidas e descidas, mas o importante eh nao esquecer onde quer chegar e nao se deixar levar pelos tropecos, senao voce fica louco, frustrado, decepcionado e emputecido com voce e o mundo!

E' ai' que voce tem que pensar que voce teve uma ideia, um plano, e a vida mudou tudo e te deu outra ideia, nesse caso o melhor a fazer e' acreditar que "Sometimes life comes up with a better idea!", e pensar como tirar o melhor proveito da nova situacao.

Como dizem por aih, a gente tem que “enjoy the ride”, e nao apenas onde se quer chegar.

Entao enjoy your ride, and have fun :-)


Tuesday, June 05, 2012

American Supremacy

So... another break on the car accident report, to write about this.

In the beginning of February this year, I was with the first lady (I mean, my first lady, Carla) and we were hanging out in London, going from Trafalgar square to Buckingham Palace.

Very cold, rainy and cloudy day in London, sooooo rare, taking pictures and having a good time along The Mall.

When we arrived to the Buckingham Palace's front gates, we looked around to find someone to take a picture of us, there was a guy and his girl, I approached them to ask for the picture, but before I could say anything, a third guy got closer to the first guy and his missus and asked him the most out of context question anyone could possibly imagine.

He said to the poor first guy: “-Are you American?”

And the guy, with a bit of hesitation, answered: “-Yes”

So far, just a normal conversation between two people from the same country, but then the the third guy, who by the way was dressed with typical ridiculous-American-tourist clothes as the picture above, feeling a extreme excitement probably cause he found someone from the same place as him, manages to prove that he is a real American, and says to the guy, and to everybody around him out loud, with a big smile:

“-We arrrrre still the best!”

Oh God... ! For f*ck's sake! I thought: “-Really? Did he really just say that?”

I couldn't believe it. I looked to Carla, and she had the same reaction as me, needless to say a word, and we both knew we were thinking the same thing: “what an idiot!”

The first guy just gave him a very shy half mouth smile, and turned to the other side. I asked him him for picture and he was visibly embarrassed, probably thinking something like: “ If the Americans are still the best, for sure it's not because of you! Jerk!”

It's unbelievable how some Americans still think they are the best. Honestly, that was never the case, and it will never be.

Stop eating buckets of KFC and 2 litres milk shakes and get a life!
Honestly, who has a meal in a bucket??
Oh yes yes, the Americans, and they still think they are the best ones.
What a laugh!