On IT support, some words are a perfect match for those situations when you have no idea about what is going on, which kind of problem is happening and have absolutely no clue about the resolution.
There are some key words used in order to get some time to think in a way to get rid of the problem, pass to someone else and most important, to blame another person.
When a user calls you and reports a problem, usually a weird one, some examples of good words to reply are here:
- That’s strange.
- It was working when I tested few minutes ago.
- I’ve never seen this problem before.
- I’ll speak to the developers right now.
- I have to investigate this. (with an intriguing expression on you face and voice, as if you were really interested on solving the issue)
A master one is:
- Have you tried restarting your machine? Magically used by The IT Crowd (the TV series)
But the mother of all excuses is “The system”. It’s a magic expression that means anything you want, any time you need:
- Oh, I see, we have to refresh your permissions on “the system”!
- “The system” is overloaded by an application rollout!
- “The system” is not updating quick enough!
- Let me check “the system” now.
To be honest, “the system” means everything and nothing at the same time. It looks like it’s a code between the users and the support line; both sides know it means whatever they want it to and pretend to have a deal, which is: You pretend to understand the issue, and the other side pretends to believe what you are saying. Lool…
Hard IT life. To Be beaten by a problem you didn’t cause, and to be blamed for it if you don’t solve it.
Sorry, now I have to go. There are somethings on the system to be done. Call you back in 5 mins :-)
There are some key words used in order to get some time to think in a way to get rid of the problem, pass to someone else and most important, to blame another person.
When a user calls you and reports a problem, usually a weird one, some examples of good words to reply are here:
- That’s strange.
- It was working when I tested few minutes ago.
- I’ve never seen this problem before.
- I’ll speak to the developers right now.
- I have to investigate this. (with an intriguing expression on you face and voice, as if you were really interested on solving the issue)
A master one is:
- Have you tried restarting your machine? Magically used by The IT Crowd (the TV series)
But the mother of all excuses is “The system”. It’s a magic expression that means anything you want, any time you need:
- Oh, I see, we have to refresh your permissions on “the system”!
- “The system” is overloaded by an application rollout!
- “The system” is not updating quick enough!
- Let me check “the system” now.
To be honest, “the system” means everything and nothing at the same time. It looks like it’s a code between the users and the support line; both sides know it means whatever they want it to and pretend to have a deal, which is: You pretend to understand the issue, and the other side pretends to believe what you are saying. Lool…
Hard IT life. To Be beaten by a problem you didn’t cause, and to be blamed for it if you don’t solve it.
Sorry, now I have to go. There are somethings on the system to be done. Call you back in 5 mins :-)